Reading Box Blue
Product Description
Reading Box Blue has been designed by experienced teachers to support students in Years 2 to 4. It is a comprehensive multi-level, multi-text type, reading comprehension kit. It has been created and written by a team of very experienced Australian primary school teachers and headmasters. Reading Box Blue aims to provide students with a broad range of high-interest texts that will engage even the most reluctant reader. The kit also provides the teacher with another means to enhance the operation of reading groups within a literacy block. The beauty of all Reading Boxes is that students genuinely enjoy working at their own pace, at their own level.
Reading Box Blue :
- covers reading levels 10 to 30+
- caters for reading ages 6 to 12
- is suitable for Years 2 to 4
- was written by a team of experienced Australian teachers and headmasters
- addresses the gap between decoding skills and comprehension ability
- asks literal, interpretive, inferential and critical questions.
- allows for totally individualised learning
- is great preparation for NAPLAN due to its varying question styles
- has a range of high-interest and age-appropriate persuasive, informative and imaginative texts including:
- expositions
- narratives
- procedures
- reports
- descriptions
- recounts
- visual texts
- explanations
- poetry
$898 (inc. $81.64 GST)

Sample Cards
Low Reading LevelClick to Enlarge |
Medium Reading LevelClick to Enlarge |
High Reading LevelClick to Enlarge |
How the Reading Box Blue Works
- A 9-minute levelling test is administered before students begin to work with the box. Alternatively, teachers can use their own testing scores and judgement. Copies of the test are provided within the Teacher’s Folder. The test is also able to be photocopied from the blackline master available within the Teacher’s Manual.
- The test is marked by the teacher and compared to the levelling table found in the Teacher’s Manual. The levelling table provides a recommended beginning card level (sky, mist etc) for each student.
- Students choose one of the informative, persuasive or imaginative texts from their designated colour level.
- Once the student has finished reading the card, at their own pace, they undertake a set of comprehension questions that utilise both literal and inferential strategies. The questions are also graded to match the appropriate reading level.
- Students record their answers on a photocopied answer sheet or write the answers in the back of their exercise book.
- Once a card is completed, children mark their own work using the corresponding answer card found at the back of the box.
- Then, students colour the corresponding card level and number on the Progress Chart. This is done so both the teacher and the student know what work has been completed.

In the Classroom
There are numerous ways a teacher can use the Reading Box Blue in a classroom. With 150 different cards, the kit is quite able to support the whole class at one time. However, the optimum usage is seen as an independent activity within a rotational reading group lesson. The model below allows the Reading Box Blue to be used by a group working independently, freeing up the teacher to work with other groups and individuals.
Activity | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 |
Guided Reading | Group 1 | Group 4 | Group 3 | Group 2 |
Reading Box Blue | Group 2 | Group 1 | Group 4 | Group 3 |
Phonics | Group 3 | Group 2 | Group 1 | Group 4 |
Listening Post | Group 4 | Group 3 | Group 2 | Group 1 |