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Structured Synthetic Phonics & Spelling
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Student WorkBooks
Teachers’ Books
FREE Digital Content
Curriculum Information
Sample Pages

Series Overview

Structured Synthetic Phonics & Spelling (SSPS) is an early literacy spelling series that follows a synthetic phonics teaching sequence. The content is designed to be taught over a three-year period. The student workbooks and teacher resource books are utilised simultaneously, with the goal of supporting busy educators to achieve the curriculum-required workload. SSPS has been created to address phonic updates to the reading and spelling components of the Australian curriculums.

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SSPS Student Book Year F
SSPS Student Book Year F

SSPS Student Book Year F

SSPS Student Book Year 1
SSPS Student Book Year 1

SSPS Student Book Year 1

SSPS Student Book Year 2
SSPS Student Book Year 2

SSPS Student Book Year 2

SSPS Teacher's Book with Games Year F
SSPS Teachers Book with Games Year F

SSPS Teacher's Book with Games Year F

SSPS Teacher's Book with Games Year 1
SSPS Teachers Book with Games Year 1

SSPS Teacher's Book with Games Year 1

SSPS Teacher's Book with Games Year 2
SSPS Teachers Book with Games Year 2

SSPS Teacher's Book with Games Year 2


Student Workbooks

The spelling in Book F reflects the 44 sounds of the English language and words made from these sounds. The Year 1 and Year 2 books develop more advanced sounds and words.
The sequence for each book can be viewed on the Contents page, available in the sample pages section (bottom of page).

The focus word lists include many phonetically decodable high-use words (tier) in the weekly word lists. High-use words occur most frequently in printed materials and are vital as they contribute to fluency and comprehension. In addition to this, harder extension words are also included.

The student workbooks have a child-centered design, with vibrant and colourful graphics. Activities are engaging and include recognising phonological patterns, decoding, blending and segmenting, onset and rime, rhyme, alliteration, syllabification, and many more stimulating tasks.

To order inspection copies, on approval terms, please email

student wookbooks

Teachers Books

The sounds within spoken words (phonemes) and the written symbols (graphemes) that represent those sounds are explicitly addressed in the teachers’ books.

The Teachers’ Books include:

  • explicit teaching notes
  • comprehensive lesson guides
  • 20+ play-based educational games and activities for each year level
  • oral and written segmenting and blending guidance
  • a synthetic phonics sequence created from the curriculum up
  • ways to incorporate free digital resources.

To remain cost-effective, the physical Teachers’ Books are printed in black and white but are available in full-colour via the T4T website.

Teachers Books

FREE Digital Content

Schools with proof of purchase of a class set/s of SSPS and accompanying teacher book/s are eligible to gain free access to a suite of valuable digital resources.

The free website Includes:

  • sound bar animated videos to assist with the teaching and learning of the sequenced synthetic phonics sounds
  • a non-printable copy of the relevant student workbook for IWB projection purposes
  • a non-printable copy of the teacher’s book/s for ease of access
  • assessment and differentiation ideas
  • a plethora of printable games and further activities.

If you have purchased class sets of this series, please email or call 1300 65 63 68 with your proof of purchase to receive login details, for 12 months free access.

Videos for Every Lesson

Video leasons

To assist with the oral pronunciation of sounds, a suite of sound bar videos is available for free for qualifying schools. Videos are available for every sound covered in the SSPS program.

20+ educational games are included in each SSPS Teacher’s Book with Games.

Video leasons

Curriculum Designed Books

Phonics is the key to starting to read, write and spell written words. SSPS has been created from the curriculum up, using suggested synthetic instructional sequences as outlined by Australian curriculums. The Curriculum content descriptions correspondence for each year level is expanded and visually presented on the contents page of each student workbook. An extract of the Year 1 contents page is displayed below.

Curriculum Designed Books

“The evidence for phonic effectiveness was undeniable”, Minister of Education, 2020. Following this comment, the government has made phonics a compulsory component of the syllabus, based on strong foundations using best practices. Exercises in SSPS follow suggested content in current Australian curriculums which are based on latest research and best practice.

Sample Student Workbooks

Year F (Kindergarten/Prep)

Click to enlarge

Year 1

Click to enlarge

Year 2

Spread of unit 20

Click to enlarge